Mission one
Blog one

When we were given the topics for the first mission I instantly knew what topic I wanted to  cover.I wanted to make a game, I felt it was a good move as have worked on sprite animations before when me and a friend teamed up to make a tank flash game when I was only 14. I am no pro thought I am very much an amuture I don’t claim to know it all in that section of the creation.  I pondered about what else I could add to the croup I was soon to join, I played a many a game and what can move a bad game to a good game or good to great is level design. I also have some… experience with this as I created the lay out for the maps that I explained before, knowing that the game would have to something like a simple plat-former as it was clear I wasn’t going to have the time and not knowing what group I was going to join I thought best to keep it simple.

I also looked in to the other topics as I was worried that I might now be able to create a group that would all like to do the gaming topic or even make a game at all. 
I started to look at gifs I love to animate and intend to buy a drawing pad once I can build up the funds so this was defiantly an option. I knew  I was capable in terms of creating a gif, I could have used photoshop to animate one Fram by frame I had learned to do so during my time in Dunboyne community college.

I could use the alternative methods using video compressors to change a mp4 file into a gif.
I used this app shaun asked us to use called slack. Its a texting sever this mutable chats that are used to different information. I went to the General chat to ask was anyone interested in doing a game for the mission.
I then started talking to Arron and Eoghan as they had similar ideas. 
They agreed that we would have to would have to do a 2D plat-former if any game.

Over all it was a very productive first day and it planted the seed for the mission setting the topic in stone and launching us into “MISSION” ahead.


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