Mission one
Blog three.
Blog three.
Ok so I think there was things that I could have done better in the mission and here I’m going to talk about that.
Number one
I felt that I make the game far to difficult as I said before I didn’t want to make the game to easy as I think that would take any sense of achievement away from it. I can’t help but bring up the best example of this done well, Darksoul 1,2 and tree. Darksouls in a game with a very hight learning curve. To I new player this game might even seem imposable to some people and I would say that alot of people who buy the game can’t compleat it. This level of difficulty was on intentional by its creater Hidetaka Miyazaki.
I love this game the feeling you get from killing a boss that has been kicking your ass for an hour is so Epic. I wanted to. Recreate nothing like this but the difference is that in Hidetaka Miyazakis game you can learn the pattern of the boos’s moves and figure out how to counter them, in our game its just needlessly hard and no matter how long yo seen on it I won’t become any easier. This is due the nature of the game its self, I should have tested the games physics to a greater standard so I could design the level to suit it. So I designed the level obstacles poorly and very much regret it.
Number 2
I found that I could have done a better job at the background of the of the set. I painted a sky block with a cloud in it but used it for almost all the blocks that made up the sky.
This left it looking over whelming and repetitive. I should have made the clouds more scares so that had more impact on the the level its self.
The leafs of the tree are much to be desired swell I felt I drew the leafs to smalls so that when it was compared to the branch of the tree it would show how poor the scale was.
Number 3
When working on the slide I felt like I should have suggested that we make them easier to see and have less text on the board while presenting. I felt that I we had even a very basic script on the day is would improve the performance of the prevention. Doing this would make ours point flow better faster and get the point to the crowd in a fun and constructive way.
Over all its important to to look at our failures where we get to improve and adapted rather that where we failed. There no point in being captain hindsight it won’t help you or the people your working with. I had a very enjoyable time working on this project I was group with two people who were very nice and vibed well with, so no complaints there.
Thank you for reading!
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