Unity Tutorial 03

 Lesion 2,1

Unlike The last unity Tutorial i found my self not needing to find outside fix's for the problems I was having before. Lesion 2.1 went off very well all-round with a few problems at the end that I'm not sure greatly effect the end product.

The Game we were making is much deeper than the driving game we made before. Will many more models and options for us to customize the style and look of the final product such as the change in setting.(but changing the types of animals and location)


I wasn't able to to apply the Horizontal input, and I still have no idea why! I command would never link to the models or command and then after doing the same thing again it worked, I have no answer for why or how it just did.

Lesion 2.2

In this part of the lesion i learned a hole load of words that I have no idea the mending to! such as Instantiate and instance!

This part was actually teaching us how to add forward moment to our food of choice! Hence the name food fight! you do this mainly with the commands transform and translate. We add the chosen food as a prefab in order to allow us to apply property's to it so it act as intended and doesn't fly forever without a worry in the world!

lesion 2.3

"Deer" God help me.

(get it cus deer is in game)

I was working on this task for 4 hours at this point and was starting to grow tired of its lack of doing what I want.

Here we learned about "random.range()" method, spawn manager, int animalndex.

This i found very difficult and because I'm doing this blog after the fact because I'm a fool! I am a little hazy on the details. what i can say is that i was straight up unable to finish the lesion as I wanted.


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