Game's what are they!

 Game's what are they!


In the materials Sean gave us to read and look over he went over the definitions of the types of things that make a game a gameThis got me thinking about examples of when theses definitions were not I play in games that I enjoyed. 


These examples were  

  1. Games are an activity 
  2. Games have rules 
  3. Games have conflict 
  4. Games have a goal 
  5. They involve decision making 
  6. They are safe to play 
  7. Require no material gain 
  8. They are voluntary 
  9. They have an uncertain outcome 
  10. ect.

For the most part these are mostly true and it's hard to think of a few games that might not fall under this category. There's a select few where this isn't true though I believe for example. games like cookie clicker ,clicker heroes, adventure capitalist and adventure communist. these games see the player watch a virtual currency rise and that's it the game itself has no goals other than to get more money which is a goal but there's no end so can it really be defined as a goal. isn't the goal the end result of work put in don't get me wrong these games are designed to be in the background not properly retain your attention. but almost defined them as mini games. but a good example of a game that doesn't have a goal an end goal is Minecraft 

Minecraft is the most popular game on the planet it is sold the most copies of any game ever sold beating out Tetris just last year. sandbox survival with light punishment on death. the game is about building and creating or it's about killing the few bosses that are in the game the goal or objective is down to the player thus it doesn't exist until you play it. 

This might all sound like gibberish the attempt of a student to be in some way philosophical but it's just my thoughts and that's what I was told to put on this blog,  


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