Unity Tutorial 04

Collision Decisions 

Our prototype being the food game with animals has a lot of features but it has a lot missing too for example food passes through the animals and player also has to spawn the animals with a button bind. 

these are two things that we cannot allowed to be present in the final product so we're going to refine the product to a point where I'm happy with it. 


we're going do this by using a method something we haven't used before. 



SpawnRandomAnimal() { 



Browser going to have to rewrite load of functions which come from the mono behavior class. I think. WhenWhen we complete these tasks we actually are left with a relatively finished game a game where there is a solid objective and goal. We've made it so the animals collide with the pizza player collides with the animals and that when a certain amount of animals have passed you you get a game over screen ending the the game and restarting it. I never got to this stage as I am a bad programmer and I was unable to allocate and of time do you finish but I did spend the allocated time in the program so that's an achievement there. 

the whole point of this objective I assume is to learn the functions in unity so that when we create our own project we have a solid idea on what type of gameplay mechanics can be expected from us. 


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