Reading Week 11 Games Testing

 The concept of playtesting. 




The first part of the readings I did was the video because I was actually well acquainted with the YouTube err in question. Nrackeys initially talks about playtesting being agonizingly important and how it is one of the funnest yes nerve wrecking parts of making a game. this is you testing to see if your game is playable in the way that you wanted it to be and if it's not then a lot of your work has been done for nought. 


He also suggests that the as time start playtesting your game is the very second you make your prototype. as soon as there is a playable version of the game you should be playing it and going step by step to see if it still has the field that you initially desired or if you found a new feeling of for the game. 


Make a very basic version of the game first he says because this is important because I'll let you know how the game feels before you get all of the technical and complicated aspects in. He talks about exploits and how him himself has experienced the fact of him not learning how to fix an exploit that is in his game that he is learned of and keeping it in. learning how to fix these exploits is important and is made the main purpose of game testing. 

Later on in the video he brings out many many examples of games he's made and how he could have improved from feedback from his community. he points out that all of these could have been fixed if he had just playtested more or taking the feedback from his community and added in a compromise. 



After reading was the two readings have said like several different types of game testing techniques and computer games are serious business readings. I couldn't help but think of the game that was released called cyber punk this game was a hot mess and clearly did not go through much playtesting. the problem with this game was that the community around us demanded it be released by Christmas and put a lot of pressure on the developers to do so this was also backed up by the shareholders who are demanding the game also be released for Christmas. overall the game was a big unplayable mess and was targeted towards The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One systems Bush was incapable of running on those two systems it could run on the PlayStation five and PC consoles fine Bush it was unplayable on the others. 




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