Unity Tutorial 08
Unity Tutorial 08

In today's unity task we need to make the enemy sumo balls fight back and infinitely spawn. After defeating one enemy you will then fight two, after you defeat two you'll fight three, and after you've defeated three enemies you'll fight four so on and so forth...
We do this by using for loops and not just constantly using the same method.
This is done by setting conditions and setting it up so when this condition isn't true the method will stop. if that makes sense. We do this by changing properties of I and setting eyes to be equal to other properties entire to explain and I don't fully understand it myself as I haven't looked into it in detail I just followed the tutorial. This will only spawn three enemies off the bottom we still have to set it up so it will continuously spawn increasing numbers of enemies starting at one.
So in order to do that we need to spawn enemy wave which is another method that we learn how to use.
After which we add a variable to spawn enemy waves said it's I properties and values, and set a new instance for this method.
Next we decided to add a some form of AI, to the enemy sumos. and in doing so also added death animations or more accurately destruction animations for when the balls fall off.
But all these tasks done we've created a game that allows you to fight progressively more difficult enemies, have a game over or lose screen which I added in 😉. Instructible and immersive characters to a point.
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