
Showing posts from October, 2020

Unity Tutorial 02

Unity 2 WHY WONT THIS BLOODY TANK MOVE!     When jumping back into unity here I realized that the problems I was having before had not been resolved. So  i  decided to start over and it turned out better but alas  i  ran into more problems.(more on that later) I was following the steps as shown in the tutorial I keep finding errors with the script, I'm new to unity have next to no free time on my hands so I attempted to discover the  problem   and  to resolve it. I was very frustrating to work like this but in the end, I have some form of steering on the vehicle. I took the win and moved on to another. Part of the module.   I found other ways around this using a different  video, I  didn't see this to be a problem, the task is here to that we get more comfortable with unity and I'm pretty sure that looking into new ways to do the same tasks is a fine way forward.   In the end it turned out fine and i learned more about thi...


Brainstorm Before I start. I want to say that due to the fact i want to use unity for this task and that i have limited experience with this program i think its best i make a 2d game and im well used to the creative process as iv made some before. Idea one Metroid Matinee This term is used to describe a game that has an dungeon crawler basted game. Where you run throught an infinity generated area just trying to survive as long as possible. Fighting monsters and gaining items to power up along the way. A good example of this is hades  Metroid  menus  and  come in many shapes and sizes for example  Hayes  is a hack and slash underworld roguelike dungeon crawler so it  actually falls  under two of the categories  I'm  talking about today.  I'd  love to take a game like this into the  2D  space and see how well  I  could recreate something  in its  image.   Idea two ...

My Feedback Thoughts

The first Post I read was  A fixed mindset could be holding you back It talks about the dangers of allowing yourself or your children to fall into a comfy fixed mindset. Meaning that you stay where you are in order to maintain what you have, giving up on progression. The example that stuck with me the most in the workplace and how worker in a job that leads you no-where tend to find it harder to go to work than other with a progressing work space! Next up was  Why rejection hurts so much I found this interesting mainly because I personally always wondered why rejection felt the way is does. In this post it talk about how when we are face with rejection in activates the same sections of out brain pain come from. This is due to the fact it was an evolutionarily trait, so that we would recognize not getting what you want is a bad thing.

Game Elements

  Game Elements Readings   The first reading was about the qualities of games  and  elements of games. main points  I'd  like to take out of this reading is  First  off,  Shawn's lovely backtracking.  😊   “ Okay, so I may have contradicted myself: I insisted that a critical vocabulary was important, and then I went on to say that completely defining the word “game” is impossible. Let’s reconcile this apparent paradox.”     Going  in and talking about the elements of the game is how you define a game genre. it's style and its target  audience. I will explain  how,  browsing through games or even searching for them the creator or its fans but categorize the game into certain categories so it may get recommended or seen by other people who like similar games. For  example, you like battlefield it's a first-person shooter versus players, you might get recommended Call of Duty. A...

Unity Tutorial 01

  Game Design Working with unity!     Working with unity for the past hours I'm  well aware  that I will not complete the task within the 300 minutes designated for the task. I'm running into problems  with  the script .     I did however learn how to  Import   files, move  rotate  objects and  adjust  camera setting for the  player. I  came to great difficulty due to a lack of understanding of the program  itself  and intend to be tter learn over the ne x t few do and complete the task s.     From  what  iv  seen the program  I  do love it! Unity seems to be a very ea sy to use and well  formatted. I . I  believe  this will lead to a fast recovery and an enjoyable Experience.      Moving forward I believe I'll start from scratch on my next attempt, I'm also going to indulge in extra videos on learning the basics to see wher...