Projects: Prototype

 Projects: Prototype

this is me documenting my first book sit down at trying to make my game for unity. 

as discussed in my planning document I need three scenes three main characters and three unique enemies. 

today I'm going to work on two of those things my first scene and my first character I'm going to work on the greaser and his beat up and rundown street that he patrols.. 

So I went onto unity and I was trying to find presets for these that I thought would fit perfectly into my game. now in my experience unity models and scenes tend to follow either 2 principles a low Polygon colorful feel. or a more high res or be comic book feel and I really like how for some reason and all the presets I've seen these styles are continued so I don't think I'll have any problem finding the presets I want for my future scenes and characters. 


So here's the camera view from my first scene it is subject to change matter of fact this image isn't entirely accurate I've darkened the Sky and changed the shading in the present version. This much like the reference image is so close to what I wanted it is perfect. 


It comes with an entire scene so I can move this camera around if I wish to get different angles for possible cutscenes or changes I would like to add in further progress of my game. 


Now before I add the character or any elements other than the scene itself I need to add collision boxes to make sure that my character has to stay within the planned area otherwise it's not the style of beat em up game I want to design and won't make sense when the player teleports into a new scenario in a completely different location so the character must stay within a small area for the transitions to look fine. 

These collision boxes stop certain models from passing through them meaning the player won't just fall through the map and the player will be stuck inside his designed area. 



My last task for today was to add in my model and mess around with the lighting functions and briefly touch on texturization and polished to the character which I would finish in my next session. 


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